video issues

  1. 64Yoshi64

    Question No video output on AV

    So, I wanted to test my trimmed wii. In order to do so I wired up my wii to the pms lite according to the documents om I've left out the fan, sd-card reader and the light. I've added the av-cable and connector according to the ginger of vods video...
  2. Screen Lines Issue

    I accidentally pushed the X button too hard and pushed back the pcb. After that the screen now does this. Does anyone have any ideas? Get a new screen? Rewire something? Thank you for reading!
  3. Goodie175

    Question Weird Screen Artifacts...

    So I finished my N64 portable a while ago and noticed it had strange lines in the bottom left of the screen... I thought maybe it needed the low pass video filter redone as I am using composite out. So I added a 75ohm resistor and the 47pf capacitor from the trimmed off part of the motherboard...