
  1. Milosonator

    Worklog Nintendo GAME BOY 64 (M-Boy)

    Hey Everyone, This is a retroactive worklog of building my "Nintendo GAME BOY 64" which I call the: M-Boy. It's probably unnecessary to mention: but my inspiration came from the amazing G-Boy that got me into this hobby. Moreover, the design is heavily inspired by the original Game Boy and of...
  2. Minerrv1

    Selling my G-Wii $1,000

    Hello guys! I’m selling another G-Wii, I had so much fun making it, I built a second G-Wii because I missed having GameCube games to be playable in my hand instead of watching it off a TV. Sadly enough I have no time in my hand and it’s collecting dust. And I would rather sell it to someone who...
  3. asad

    Discussion Hi, I'm Completely New To Hardware And Portablizing and Would Like Tips!

    Hi, I'm new here and pretty damn interested in making a portable. I've always wanted to make one, since I saw a video of a GCN portable years back, and would like to know some tips! I do own a solder, I'm pretty sure its good enough because I think I saw it in a GMan video. I have enough money...
  4. Worklog Purple G-Wii Rev 2 Build

    Hi all, so I'm new to the portablising community and decided to build a G-Wii Rev, had my case printed by Gman. I'm gonna try and do a worklog but it'll be awful and missing stuff probable ahah, hope its okay though DAY 1 This is my case as it came from Gman, so I decided so start with...
  5. Ryuto Setsujin

    Worklog [Plug 'n Play] Portable de ポピラ (Portable de Popira)

    ポータブルデポピラ Portable de Popira Aiming to portablize my favorite rhythm game of all time. Portable de ポピラ is a project aiming to make a portable version of Takara's 2002 plug 'n play rhythm game "Popira 2". I have no portablizing knowledge whatsoever, but I would like to make this a reality. Below...
  6. Wesk

    Ashida Wii Portable

    It's been a long wait, that wait is now over... Get comfortable, make sure headphones are placed firmly on your head and prepare for a little introductory video to a portable that previously only existed in memes and dreams: (4k and fullscreen recommended) I could take full credit but...
  7. GlitchedFolx

    Question Building a wii portable

    Hey Everyone. Hope you are all having a great day. I was wondering if someone would be able to point me in the right direction of making a portable. I am new to the hard-modding scene and would like so assistance. I am very skeptical about just diving head first into it because I don't want to...
  8. Worklog My first wii portable

    So, this is my first wii portable, and I want to document the entire progress. I've relocated the u10 and bluetooth, and in a couple of hours, the dremel I ordered should arrive. I also ordered 4 PTH08080's from China, I should only need 3 though because I am planning to use a powerbank circuit...
  9. SparkleBear

    Worklog Black Beautii -- SparkleBear's G-Wii Rev 2 Worklog. :)

    Hey y'all... I finally got started on my Gwii build today. I still don't have all the parts from AliExpress but I couldn't hold back any longer. I've had so much fun building and dialing in my first portable, a purple Gboy, that I am already excited to make a second portable. Its been so...
  10. Kayantao

    Question Questions regarding the G-Boy

    Hey im really new here and this has potentially been asked, but i couldn't find all the answers while seeking so i will just go ahead with this. (should there be an issue with me doing so, feel free to remove the thread) I only recently discovered the whole idea of actually modding consoles...
  11. JCasper

    Question Wii Portable Battery/General Parts

    Hey all! I'm very new to modding and only have some basic electronics experience. I am working on gathering parts for my Wii portable build. I did have a PSOne screen that I was going to use for this project, but it doesn't work. I recently picked up a portable DVD player at the thrift store...
  12. JCasper

    Question General parts questions and battery

    Hey all! I'm very new to modding and only have some basic electronics experience. I am working on gathering parts for my Wii portable build. I did have a PSOne screen that I was going to use for this project, but it doesn't work. I recently picked up a portable DVD player at the thrift store...
  13. Moustique

    Worklog My First Portable Wii

    Hello everybody, My name is Romain and i'm from France, I found a lot of information about the portable Wii on this forum and some Tuto. Then I decide to create one for myself, because I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I make a lot of research and I finally decide to buy everything. First of all I...
  14. CakeB0ss

    Worklog BardRights's First Portable Build (Tomii)

    Hello! My name is BardRights AKA CakeB0ss AKA Thomas and I'm starting my first portable build in the next few days. After years of passing research and a couple of half-assed attempts, I'm finally ready to begin working on portablizing a Wii. I hope this will be a really fun project to learn a...
  15. Question audio recommendations?

    I don't know what I should get for audio (speaker, amp, headphone jack) for my Wii portable. I saw the u-amp, but it's sold out. Does anyone have any recommendations? Also, I'd enjoy if it took less then a week to ship. I'm fine with paying more for better shipping times, it just needs to be an...
  16. PoposPizza

    PS4 Portable?

    Now, I know that this is for "OLD" consoles, but I don't know if this is classified as old. I am planning to make a portable console of some kind, I was going back and forth between ps2 and wii, but then I sold my ps2, so I though I was going to make a wii portable, so I was researching the...
  17. Minerrv1

    Selling My G-wii Rev 2 ($800) (SOLD)

    Hello, as the title says, I'm selling my G-Wii. I recently built it in November and I've had the best time playing on it. The G-Wii was built with VGA, MX chip relocation. I did not install Bluetooth since I didn't want to play with a Wii-mote on such a small screen. Everything else, is exactly...
  18. Humblewun

    Portables, n64 and ps2 willing to pay and give console

    Hey guys, Anyone willing to get rid of their ps2p and n64p, i have both consoles and im willing to give em to you with payment in exchange for the portables, as long as both have the ability to use original cartridge/disk and are able to use 4 controllers aswell as tv play as i frequently have...
  19. Nold

    GCii Pocket

    After only 17 days[!] development & build time, my GCii Pocket is finally finished! So this are the planed final specs: - Near OMEGA Trimmed Wii [NAND & AVE Relocation] - 3.5" IPS LCD using tasty VGA - 1s2p 18650 via RVL PMS - little over 2h battery life - Audio via crippled but WiiHUD...
  20. Wesk

    Worklog Wii portable "Ashida Wavebird" worklog

    IT IS TIME - Digitally frankencased (coined by @Shank ) using 3D scans and a shitload of meshwork. - 3D printable. - Coming December 2020 maybe A lot of testing is still underway but I'll keep you all updated