
  1. ToxicBananaFish

    Solved G-Wii video settings off, need help to fix

    This was the best image that I was able to get to show the settings for my Wii. It's 480P outputting in VGA to a 640x480 screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio. For whatever reason, a small portion on the left side of the screen doesn't get used. I've looked at some other G-Wii builds and this doesn't...
  2. ToxicBananaFish

    Solved Battery supposedly always at 1%, need help

    So I've been working on building a G-Wii for a while now. I just got bluetooth working, but I haven't wired up any of the gamecube controls yet. Anyways, I need help understanding why RVLoader Always thinks the battery's at 1%. It also says that the current reads to be around "-2060mA", which...
  3. ToxicBananaFish

    Solved Why does my Wii turn on without pressing power button?

    I just tried to test my trim and battery connections, but when I soldered the wires to the PMS, it instantly turned on and would not turn off when pressing the power button. My first thought was that the btn pin was shorted to ground, but this is not the case, as I tested and got no continuity...
  4. CalebPikmin

    G-Wii Yellow *Pikmin Edition

    G-Wii Yellow *Pikmin Edition! Introducing the G-Wii Yellow (Pikmin Edition)! I am not an expert on any of this but after lurking on the forums forever; I finally decided to start a Wii portable project! I loved the G-Wii design and thought I would give it a shot! Huge thank you to @Gman...
  5. Worklog Purple G-Wii Rev 2 Build

    Hi all, so I'm new to the portablising community and decided to build a G-Wii Rev, had my case printed by Gman. I'm gonna try and do a worklog but it'll be awful and missing stuff probable ahah, hope its okay though DAY 1 This is my case as it came from Gman, so I decided so start with...
  6. TimGivney

    Worklog Just another G-Wii (that im crazy proud of)

    Heyya all, very proud of my G-Wii that I put together thought it worthwhile to pop some pictures of the build here. Huge thanks to Gman for the files (hope you don't mind me modifying them) and Aurelio for the best software. Everyone in the bitbuilt community is awesome! ' Case is made from...
  7. cy

    My Flashy New G-Wii Rev 2

    After almost 6 months(thanks noah), I've finished my first non-kit portable, a G-Wii Rev 2! It features the brand new RVL PMS 2 from 4layertech.com! The new PMS features allow me to view my exact battery percentage in RVLoader and also allows me to see my battery life in-game by pressing...
  8. Worklog Advents Project Emporium

    Been a little absent from the BitBuilt community the past couple of months due to a number of things (School, Work, Father passing, and Depression). But i'm back and with more projects than ever before (New and Improved with 40% more projects) so i decided instead of running several concurrent...
  9. Minerrv1

    Selling My G-wii Rev 2 ($800) (SOLD)

    Hello, as the title says, I'm selling my G-Wii. I recently built it in November and I've had the best time playing on it. The G-Wii was built with VGA, MX chip relocation. I did not install Bluetooth since I didn't want to play with a Wii-mote on such a small screen. Everything else, is exactly...
  10. OneSkyNet2012

    Question Troubleshooting GC+ 2.0

    Hello, I am working on a G-Wii and am having issues getting the buttons and joysticks to work. Namely, the GC+ 2.0 appears to not be working. I have spent the better half a 2 weeks researching and trying to find a solution to this issue I am having. Apparently, it's just not a problem other...
  11. Dango

    Worklog First Wii Portable: G-Wii

    I feel like it's about time I start a worklog, I've been putting it off for a bit. I've gotten almost all of the parts I need, i'm just missing the case and audio amp (sort of). I recently trimmed my Wii and relocated bluetooth/A10 (i'll attach photos) Theres a few things i'm unsure of, I...
  12. GingerOfOz

    [SOLD] - Ice Blue G-Wii Case

    Howdy! I recently picked up a 3D printer, and as a test I printed out a G-Wii case to make sure it prints well. I'm pleased with the results, but I also don't really have any plans to build a G-Wii in the near future so I'm selling the case. I am asking $35 plus shipping for the case. If...
  13. Worklog G-Wii: My First Electronics Project

    I made a thread a little while ago in the noob section asking for some help and got so much great advice from everyone. Thus, I have finally have mustered up the courage to try and make my first Wii portable. Although I would have loved to have frankencased my own design, I decided to simply use...