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  1. zlz1

    Question Planning on building a Wii portable but have never touched a soldering iron and have no idea how to even start approaching this.

    Thanks for all the replies! You all seem to be recommending that I dial back a bit and learn the fundemantals first, so I will look into buying a soldering iron and learning the fundemantals first before I actually commit to this project. I was actually already planning on practicing the trim...
  2. zlz1

    Discussion Art

    Man, I want to get good at drawing but I really suck at perspective :(
  3. zlz1

    has anyone EVER made a MacBook Pro into a portable in the same sense as a Wii portable?

    What do you mean by macbook pro portable? A macbook pro is a laptop, which is already portable
  4. zlz1

    Question GameCube emulator equivalent spec

    Emulation is not as simple as just running a program as if it was native. An emulator has to translate the program's binary code and reconstruct the desired output in real time in order to run an instruction. Think of it like translating languages, running natively is like 2 french speakers...
  5. zlz1

    Question Planning on building a Wii portable but have never touched a soldering iron and have no idea how to even start approaching this.

    Basically I want to build a Wii portable that I can use to play my GC/Wii games more conveniently, but the problem is I have never done hardware modifications to any console before and I am really intimidated by all the designing, pcb ordering, soldering, motherboard trimming, case making...
  6. zlz1

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Hello there. I am zlz1, the maltese roach who knocks. Jokes aside I am a video game nerd but also a complete noob when it comes to modding and I really want to get started building wii portables as I think they are really cool. I like violent video games, music, old technology that other people...