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  1. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Finally sat down to finish assembling the PCB! No obvious issues, so it was time to start on the software side of things. I have a new secret weapon for this project: a wonderful, brilliant girlfriend who is a full stack software developer. Hello World! It works! So happy I didn't make any...
  2. Shank


    What about the 2 aux pins (SBU1/SBU2)? Could 4 gcc data lines be muxed down one or 2 of those wires? Or just send 1 or 2 controller data lines with no muxing
  3. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Correct. For my line double passthrough idea to work, it would need to be RGsB, or sync on green. Because it would be treating the "green" line like luma, where sync would be. So you would need to extract sync (assuming its sync on composite/luma), attenuate it with a resistor (assuming its...
  4. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Please do not double post. Use the edit button instead if you need to add more after your previous message. Sync processing takes place regardless of if color processing is taking place. It is necessary for line doubling, after all. If I am correct about the RGB passthrough line doubling...
  5. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    YPbPr and RGB are electrically similar and compatible signals. It is the same data, but a matrix calculation away. On RGB equipment, you can pass through YPbPr signals, and vice versa. If you were to send it an RGB signal while it was in YPbPr mode, and try to spit it out as Composite or...
  6. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Hello! Not much news on this front. I have the boards and parts in hand, but need to take the time to finish assembling one. Not sure when I will get around to it, but hopefully soon!
  7. Shank

    Yet Another RTD2660 Quest

    Wow this has a lot of potential here. Here are a few features I would love to see implemented: -Native 240p support (rather than 480i, sometimes called weird names like double strike, progressive standard definition, and non-interlaced standard definition) -RGBS (combined composite sync rather...
  8. Shank

    Solved Mod VGA Driver Board - 5 inch KYV-N2 V6 ZJ050NA-08C

    First, please don't Necro old posts. Make a new thread for new issues. Second, I believe you installed the screens ribbon cable upside down. Try removing it, flipping it, and reinserting it. Third, most importantly... You should IMMEDIATELY disconnect those lipo batteries from the screen and...
  9. Shank

    Worklog OME6A - The 6-layer OMEGA

    0% "Because it's useful" 100% "Because we can"
  10. Shank

    Discussion Is U10 really needed?

    Sometimes part of the system will "boot" without the U10, but not everything will function, or function properly. Pulling the u10 line with the original chip or an external pcb is required for the system to function properly.
  11. Shank

    Smaller Disk Drive for Wii U

    Most of the volume reduction of making a Wii U portable would come from elimination of the disc drive. If you keep the disc drive, your semi-portable Wii U will wind up being the size of a Wii U. As Lazr said, 99.99% chance you aren't going to find a compatible drive with the Wii U, unless you...
  12. Shank

    Worklog Some PS2 Project

    This project is so unbelievably next level. Always a joy seeing updates. Very exciting seeing it all come together.
  13. Shank

    Discussion PS4 Portable

    First handheld one, as far as I am aware. It's quite impressive.
  14. Shank

    Worklog Kawaii

    Sort of. LumaDoub can only accept 15khz signals (480i/240p) and not 31khz signals (480p). So lumadoub would work with this, but it would be suboptimal. A standard YPbPr to RGB transcoder circuit would work better for this application, as you would want to use 480p.
  15. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Appreciate the interest! I will likely need help once I get the ball rolling. For now, I'm finishing up the design of a custom development board. It'll have lots of switches and solder jumpers to test and change all sorts of features and options. Primary pico and dev pico on board, lots of...
  16. Shank

    Bluetooth install gone wrong. Am I out of luck?

    It's basically impossible to draw any conclusions without pictures. Posting several, clear, in-focus, detailed photos can help a lot.
  17. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    Exciting progress today. After several days of troubleshooting, we finally have control of the chips through the i2c bus. (We had a very weird issue with the reset pin and command). Once we got the first example script working, and video on the screen, we could finally experiment with flipping...
  18. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    This would be a suboptimal way to do so, as it will only accept 480i/240p for the input. You would want a YPbPr to VGA transcoder. Additionally, the plan for now is an open source project to be integrated and reused elsewhere, rather than a complete product to sell. The primary goal here isn't...
  19. Shank

    Worklog LumaDoub: An Open Source Line-Doubler and Transcoder

    LumaDoub is a community project with the goal to create an open-source, low cost line doubler and transcoder solution. The vision for this project is not to create a specific product, but a framework and toolkit to be integrated in many other projects. In its most basic state, LumaDoub should...
  20. Shank

    Guide Wii Undervolting "guide" and stats. (incomplete)

    Oh jeez yeah I misunderstood. Do not attempt to reduce any power supply with a voltage divider. That is a very fast way to burn things up.