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  1. GingerOfOz

    Secret Santa 2024: Post/Discuss your gifts here!

    I opened up my box to a mountain of various passives, a 6-layer Wii motherboard, and a micro-USB cable. Why a micro-USB cable? It must be for the PlayStation classic they sent in a nice carrying case! I'm tempted to turn it into a miniature crab, but I gotta finish the big crab first. And...
  2. GingerOfOz

    Making the Playstacean

    The "Playstacean" is a really cool art concept by the artist "AnhDangerous", and I've been obsessed with it since I saw it on Twitter a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, it only exists as pixels on a screen. And as an art print... and a shirt I suppose. But nobody with soldering and CAD...
  3. GingerOfOz

    WTB Miscellaneous PSOne Components

    Figured I'd ask here in case any of you hoarders have held onto some leftover components from the motherboards you've sacrificed for PSOne portables. I'm working on a reshell project for a PS1 slim and purchased a broken one for dimensions and such. I was able to revive it with some help, but...
  4. GingerOfOz

    Question RVL AMP presses volume up constantly

    Wait, are you on RVLoader 2.1? for whatever reason the audio gets cranked up to max in Wii games when you have the audio amp connected in this config.
  5. GingerOfOz

    Question RVL AMP presses volume up constantly

    You need to connect the volume up/down signals to the Wii as well when you use RVL-Amp. Volume maxes out in Wii games if you don't. Take another look at the 4-Layer Tech diagrams, one of them shows where to connect those lines.
  6. GingerOfOz

    Question Trimming Less Off than OMGWTF

    Can't say for sure whether that trim will work, but it might if you do a really good job of sanding. Is there not a way to mount the Wii to the back of whatever case you're using? That way you don't put any weight on the screen
  7. GingerOfOz

    Question Trimming Less Off than OMGWTF

    Is there a reason you aren't using the mounting points that already exist on the Wii's motherboard? Properly sanding small holes like that is pretty difficult to do
  8. GingerOfOz

    New here from the philippines

    It's worse than you could imagine. People here pretend to be bad.
  9. GingerOfOz

    Gboy Rev 3 Upgrade to 480p screen with diagram

    Diagram looks fine, just know that H and V are flipped from what you have labeled there. You shouldn't need to change any Wii settings. This screen automatically switches between HDMI and VGA depending on what signals it receives, so you don't need a separate controller board just for that...
  10. GingerOfOz

    Remembering Doom

    Doom was always a very funny guy, both in person and online. At MGC 2019, he bought a Waluigi figurine for $10 in the vendor hall and brought it to me have it signed. This was before I was any sort of niche internet micro-celebrity, he just did it because "You're the Waluigi guy, so I need...
  11. GingerOfOz

    Worklog Wiiboy Color II Worklog

    I implemented the same friction fit style that Wesk used on his G-Boy remix. It locks in really, really tight on an FDM print, it would have to be a pretty serious fall for the screen to pop out. There's also a lip on the bottom of the screen that does tuck inside of the case, so if its held...
  12. GingerOfOz

    Worklog Wiiboy Color II Worklog

    Oops, it's almost done I've done two rounds of prototypes, with the first one having a few big issues and the second one having some small issues. First prototype looked like this: @supertazon donated a version of the 3.5" screen with a built in protector and some sleek looking bezels, so...
  13. GingerOfOz

    BitBuilt's 2024 Summer Building Competition

    Only 1 entry is allowed. There's no original hardware rule, the project just needs to be a gaming related project. It can be as big as you'd like.
  14. GingerOfOz

    Worklog Wiiboy Color II Worklog

    I guess it's time. I stopped building Wiiboy Colors because I did not enjoy assembling the USB-C and old PMS boards needed to build them. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough space in the case to fit a PMS-2 and a PMS-PD inside, so I never bothered to do a redesign to use modern boards. BUT...
  15. GingerOfOz

    Question Portable wii problems ??

    You should probably reach out to whoever you bought that G-Wii from for help. It's impossible to tell from those pictures what's going on.
  16. GingerOfOz

    Wii Disk Drive Stand stl files

    This man peddles shrines for the anti-christ Our little town will not tolerate this
  17. GingerOfOz

    Spencer's Wii X

    When Spencer retired from portablizing back in 2020, I happened to live in the same town as him. He sold me a bunch of parts and equipment very cheaply, including a sleek, blue case for a portable Wii that he never got around to finishing. Since 2020, the case has lived in various corners of...
  18. GingerOfOz

    Guide Wii Undervolting "guide" and stats. (incomplete)

    I've got a Wii board that runs very stably (so far) with the 1.15v line pulled down to 1.02v. I've undervolted a PMS-2, connected the 1v and 1.15v lines to a single 1.02v reg, and put it inside of the WiiX, so I'll report on how it does
  19. GingerOfOz

    Question Ashida Wii Help

    Sometimes a Wii is still able to boot up, even without the U10 relocation. When this happens, it boots up into an almost half-awake state, where it might be able to load RVLoader but can't do anything past that. Definitely make sure you're using the right via in the future.
  20. GingerOfOz

    Question Ashida Wii Help

    My guess would be an issue with the data wire. It sounds like you've checked for continuity there, but sometimes the act of closing the case or shifting it causes the connection to loosen up. If your screen is working fine then it's likely not a voltage issue, so I'd recommend just redoing the...