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  1. JamesPi

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Cool idea! I'm not sure whether it would be reasonably portable though, as the disk drive itself is almost the size of the entire console.
  2. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Ah, okay, that makes sense. I had thought that I would use the adapter included with the fan, but had no clue where the rest of the cable went. The tight fit is probably because of the inaccuracy of FDM printers. Even the best aren't near the quality of resin. Thanks for the quick reply!
  3. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    I printed the Noctua variant of the back of the Ashida, and while I am waiting for some parts, started to fit some of the parts I have to see how it would look, but I noticed two things. One, the Noctua fan is a really tight fit. Two, the connector can't fit through the hole where you're...
  4. JamesPi

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    Wish you luck on your build!
  5. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Don't do what Stitches said, those buttons are actually for bluetooth sync and start button. The Z buttons on the BOM are the wrong buttons, and are for horizontal mounting. You can harvest the correct buttons from a wii classic controller or a gamecube controller.
  6. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Thanks for your quick response! Interestingly enough, the settings in the 3MF file Wesk included had "don't support bridges" enabled, yet in normal mode, that overhang is supported. When I went into supports painting mode, I noticed that the bridge was not detected as an overhang, so that may be...
  7. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Also- I used tree supports because they are easier to remove and use less filament, but they didn't support that area. I checked normal supports, and it does support that area. Is the issue the tree supports or the thick bridges setting?
  8. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    I'm printing the case of the Ashida on my own FDM 3D printer, as it prints in pretty decent quality. When I was copying over the necessary settings from the 3MF though, I neglected one important setting: the "Thick bridges" tick. Now this one bridge has a really bad dip, and I'm not sure what to...
  9. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    Is the Direct Drive V2 any different from the Direct Drive that is available on 4 layer? Did Aurilio change it after making it available, or has this been the latest Direct Drive the whole time? Also, what slicer program did you use for the 3mf files?
  10. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    I have a bambu lab printer, and the bambu slicer program won't accept whatever 3mf file was made. Could someone please either paste the modified settings, or direct me to a slicer that is compatible with bambu and the 3mf file?
  11. JamesPi

    Ashida Wii Portable

    If I were to want to print from PCBWay, should I use the optimized file for the back, or this file? Or are they the same model?