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  1. Downing

    Worklog PiR8_BTY's N64 Portable Control Deck (N64HH)

    Amazing work man, good job!
  2. Downing

    Worklog Cyxty Four Worklog (Ashida style N64 portable)

    Holy crap dude...that's an update! Haha, amazing work!
  3. Downing

    The 5th GeN64 Portable - A Downing/Gman & Aurelio Creation

    Thanks man! This was a fun one to work on!
  4. Downing

    The 5th GeN64 Portable - A Downing/Gman & Aurelio Creation

    Hey guys what's up! Sorry this is kind of a direct copy and paste of blog post but I felt there should be a post here about this project! This is my latest completed portable Nintendo 64, with big help from @Gman and @Aurelio! This is my 16th finished portable N64 in my almost 15 years of...
  5. Downing

    N64HH V2

    Beautiful work!
  6. Downing

    Mini Air Hockey Table

    Hey guys! So yeah, I understand this isn't a portable console by any stretch of the imagination. But it is one that @CrashBash and I have been working on for the better part of 2 years. Well, one year of actual work anyway as my move kind of put the project on hold for most of 2023. That said...
  7. Downing

    N64 HH (Outdated)

    Diggin' this layout! Love the internal 3D printed brackets and mounting structure. And man, doesn't using those flex junction boards make life a hell of a lot easier! Very nice work all around!
  8. Downing

    The TigerBoy Advance Complete!

    Hey guys...yeah, I know I've been dead to the forums for quite a while now, but have been as active as I can be in the scene otherwise. That said, I recently finished up a new project that kind of took a step back from the normal and more advanced modding that's been happening lately, and did...
  9. Downing

    Worklog Lockdown 64

    Akira!!! Long time no see my friend! It'll be awesome to see how this turns out!
  10. Downing

    Worklog Wavebiird portable reborn aka Project Phoeniix

    SLA printing can do the same damn thing...21hrs of print time for some pretty crappy corners. But that's nothing compared to ABS is an Acetone bath for a little too long...Yeah, we've all been there.
  11. Downing

    Worklog Another N64 Portable (Downing Clone)

    Honestly, this made me smile! Sorry it took so long to see this post, but seeing the way you've adapted what was very much a "component specific" designed enclosure and adapted it work with what you could get is what I feel is true modding at its finest! Awesome job!
  12. Downing

    Project 15: Portable N64 finally complete!

    Yeah, I went through two different brands at that and one wouldn't even adhere to the primer below it. That could have been a factor too, I dunno, but I'm never using it again. It's just with this one it took two weeks for it to happen and then just overnight....WTF...
  13. Downing

    Project 15: Portable N64 finally complete!

    Not gonna lie, I was on the fence about that too but I just couldn't see putting two of the same covers with everything else being unique. But it seemed to work and I'm glad you like it!
  14. Downing

    Project 15: Portable N64 finally complete!

    Thanks and I wish you luck. It's good seeing a bit of a resurgence in N64 portables again!
  15. Downing

    Cocktail Arcade Cabinet

    Yes, it was in the lower right and yes, the were relocations. Yeah...maybe but I do feel you can't get the true gratification until after you've fought through the true gritty.
  16. Downing

    Project 15: Portable N64 finally complete!

    Sorry it's taken so long to get a post up over here about this. It's been a busy few days but I had an unexpected day off so I'm catching up on all kinds of stuff (mostly laundry and dishes). But that said, the video above represents almost 2 years of a commission process with a failure that...
  17. Downing

    Cocktail Arcade Cabinet

    Nice! I love the old ways of plywood and screws in console modding! Brings me back! Reminds me a of a project I never finished about 10 years ago too. The 4G Minicade Your's looks like it would be a bit more versatile!
  18. Downing

    Worklog "The GoldeN64" Re-Do

    It's a Formlabs Form 3 that I've been using since October.
  19. Downing

    BitBuilt's 2020 Summer Building Competition

    Yeah, that makes sense and I understand. But, with that said, the commission and last year's entry still to finish plus the project I've been working on from scratch for several months now, don't think I'm gonna hit the window for an entry :)