Search results

  1. Razethan

    Worklog Germ 64 - "First" Portable

    Are those priorities I smell or is that just the solder? Anyway, yes I’m actually working on it. Just not much.
  2. Razethan

    Worklog Germ 64 - "First" Portable

    Hey all, Raze here Yeah we're gonna try this again. Since this is my "first" portable, gonna keep things simple. Basic Trim, no special doodads or anything. Like they used do in the dark ages but without hot glue (you're welcome Stitches). Name is because it's probably going to be so bad, it'll...
  3. Razethan

    Worklog PiR8_BTY's N64 Portable Control Deck (N64HH)

    Dammm sexy board trim! Good luck with the project!
  4. Razethan

    Ghosts Raze's N64 Portable (Scrapped)

    WE’RE BACK BABYYYYYYYYYY I now have time to do stupid things like spending all my time chopping up consoles. New (planned) specs: - 3.5” LCD Display - Handmade Acrylic Case - Jumper Pack - 2 Canon ZR-70MC Batteries - A little bit of hot glue to piss of the mods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) WHOO
  5. Razethan

    APS2 - Portable Playstation 2

    Absolutely stunning! Fantastic job especially on the paint job
  6. Razethan

    Question 3D Printer Buying Help

    Yeah, I did a bit more research, and the SLA seems far to complicated for my tiny pea brain, and the FDM seems to work better for what I’m printing anyway. The brittleness of resin doesn’t seem all too great for threading screws. all seems pretty scary to do after a 10 hour print o.O, also...
  7. Razethan

    Question 3D Printer Buying Help

    Looking to buy a printer, and I’m straddled between buying this SLA Printer, or this regular printer, and I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to printing, so can anyone more experienced help me on wether an SLA one would be a good alternative or if I should just stick with the standard printer...
  8. Razethan

    Worklog SparkleBear's First Portable Nintendo 64 Build Project Worklog.

    oh my days there‘s no stopping him
  9. Razethan

    Worklog SparkleBear's First Portable Nintendo 64 Build Project Worklog.

    Oh my it keeps getting better
  10. Razethan

    Ps2 portable

    Those LEDs oh my, so cool! Absolutely amazing work!
  11. Razethan

    Worklog SparkleBear's First Portable Nintendo 64 Build Project Worklog.

    Whoa! Really really good work! Absolutely love this worklog so far :P
  12. Razethan

    A Sleeper Gaming... Calculator?

    Someone has done something like this with a GBA, so I’d be interested to see one made from a RPi. Good luck!
  13. Razethan

    Purple gwii

    Love the colour combo! Great job!
  14. Razethan

    Worklog Nintendo GAME BOY 64 (M-Boy)

    Absolutely stunning work! Very well designed!
  15. Razethan

    Super Notendo

    Super cool idea and design! Nothing like a good fibbef project!
  16. Razethan

    Worklog Wii Micro build

    Love the wii micro, looks like it’s going well so far! Really Nice Mobo Trim. Good Luck with your build!
  17. Razethan

    Ghosts Raze's N64 Portable (Scrapped)

    I know it's probably really heavy and chunky but as it's my first real system I'm not all top concerned about size or weight, but if its too painful on my hands I'll use LiPo Batteries I'm using a Pal system so not sure if they have the same trimming capabilities Thanks, probably gonna be...
  18. Razethan

    Ghosts Raze's N64 Portable (Scrapped)

    Probably should name this project, so any suggestions would be more than welcome
  19. Razethan

    Worklog Reviive - PPI Portable Brought Back From The Dead (CrazyGadget Takeover)

    Finally, a PPI Portable that isn’t regarded as a weapon of mass destruction Really clean wiring ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), great job
  20. Razethan

    Worklog Ps vita 1000 joycon analogs

    If that's possible we've officially got the coolest PlayStation thing