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  1. trustiest rustiest

    Portable wii case spray painting questions

    hello all. i have some questions to ask about spray painting your portable wii case, i have never done anything like this so my knowledge on it is very small, if it helps i had printed in 3100utr from pcbway - i heard about wet sanding, what advantages does it offer over regular sanding and what...
  2. trustiest rustiest

    Ashida Wii Portable

    if you have to ask this type of question i dont think a portable wii is the right project for you
  3. trustiest rustiest

    How to make a very simple portable Wii?

    if you're using an untrimmed wii there is no need for regulators as they are already on the board, a regular wii needs something like 12v at a couple amps to function, there are many cheap ways you can go about supplying that
  4. trustiest rustiest

    How exactly would I make a wii portable?

    will answer whatever questions i can, feel free to correct me if i am spouting b.s >whats a good cheap soldering iron dont use a cheapo flame blade from amazon, get a ksger t12, probably the best value iron, it also accepts hakko tips >is it realistically possible for a 14yr old to do this yes...
  5. trustiest rustiest

    what parts of a gamecube can i use in a wii portable?

    why would you want to cannibalise a gamecube for its ports and memory card slot, when you can already get those from a wii, also gc ports on a portable wii, pretty cool, never seen it done before, although its for sure been done
  6. trustiest rustiest

    Worklog Cookies and Criim Ashida

    shielded wire is even better, you can harvest some from the wifi module
  7. trustiest rustiest

    Ashida Wii Portable

    having the same issue here, any 10k ohm pot should work but whether it will fit is another question, although ik its possible to use buttons instead by shorting a pad on the uamp, i think its j2
  8. trustiest rustiest

    Worklog Legends Ashida

    cant wait to see how the case turns out!
  9. trustiest rustiest

    Ashida Wii Portable here is a service where you can get 3d printed parts, its what a lot of people are using including me for their ashida project
  10. trustiest rustiest

    Worklog PiR8_BTY's Ashida Worklog(s)

    thank you for making this worklog, as someone who's planning to do an ashida as my first portable with only an basic grasp of electronics this helps tremendously