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  1. Joe DiCristo

    Question Tac Switches

    Hi! So I am shopping for my last parts that I need for the portable one of the remaining parts are the tact switches. I looked at the BOM and the squishy tacts were out of stock last time I checked. What squishy and clicky tacts would you recommend that I buy? Thanks! Joe
  2. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Wii Portable

    Ok, great to hear! I was actually looking at your upcoming wii build and I noticed that you used an 800*480 screen and it looked gorgeous, even through the camera. Would you recommend that panel over this one? Also, are there any scaling issues on that screen since the resolution is 800*480...
  3. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Wii Portable

    Hi! After digging up some money I am finally shopping for parts for my wii portable. Lately, I've been looking for displays for the portable and this one was recommended to me earlier for a portable gamecube. While the display looks great spec wise, one thing is problematic: the voltage input...
  4. Joe DiCristo

    Question Battery For Portable Gamecube

    Thanks! How do you recommend charging the cells before putting them on the red board? Will I need to buy a smart charger for them that connects to the wall?
  5. Joe DiCristo

    Well, RIP the Gamecube. Let's cut a Wii!

    Well, RIP the Gamecube. Let's cut a Wii!
  6. Joe DiCristo

    Question Battery For Portable Gamecube

    Ok, thank you so much! Edit: @Stitches Will the red board work with 4 of the 3.7V Panasonic cells? The picture only depicts two and I want to make sure it won't over volt anything.
  7. Joe DiCristo

    Question Battery For Portable Gamecube

    @GingerOfOz Ok, thank you so much! Also, do I need to use the "smart charger" with the red board or will any charger work?
  8. Joe DiCristo

    Question Battery For Portable Gamecube

    Thanks for your reply! I have finally decided to switch to a Wii after coming to the conclusion that there is no real reason to spend $100+ on a Wiikey fusion when I could just buy a $20 Wii. So, I have decided on getting 4 of the Panasonic batteries and building custom regulators. However, what...
  9. Joe DiCristo

    Where can I find a GC+ For Sale?

    Hi! I am building a wii portable and would love a GC+ for my build. Does anyone have one for sale? Thanks, Joe
  10. Joe DiCristo

    Does anyone have a Mega drive v5?

    Hi, I am interested in buying a Megadrive v5. It is out of stock on badass consoles and I am going to need one for my next portable. Does anyone have any for sale? Thanks, Joe
  11. Joe DiCristo

    Teach me master?

    Teach me master?
  12. Joe DiCristo

    Question Battery For Portable Gamecube

    Hello! Thanks to this forum I have been making great progress and I am feeling more confident in completing this seemingly impossible Gamecube Portable project! However, one question that still troubles me is the choice of battery. I am thinking of keeping everything 12V to ensure stability...
  13. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    Thank you so much for the heads up and I'll keep that in mind! I honestly would rather build a Wii portable because of the pure beauty that is PortablizeMii (you guys are amazing) so even if this Gamecube portable doesn't work out ill just take what I learned and apply it to my Wii portable...
  14. Joe DiCristo created the waverider. created the waverider.
  15. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    Oh yes I am very aware and I would love to build a wii portable in the future! Honestly I'm building this Gamecube portable more for practice and I plan on building a wii portable soon after I learn everything. I also don't trust myself with a dremel and I'm very scared of breaking wii boards...
  16. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    Wait, so I can't purchase the GCVideo board on badassconsoles? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. If I can purchase it, is there a tutorial on the forum of how to wire it up? (I googled it and couldn't find anything).
  17. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    I haven't decided yet actually. I have been thinking that I would go with the PCB only - analog option that is $50 if that would work. Are the EZ packs all that necessary in a portable?
  18. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    Thank you for the reply! I was actually planning to wire the GCVideo PCB since I have a DOL-101 Gamecube that only has the analog connector. Honestly once I went progressive scan with the Wii...there is no going back so I don't plan on settling with the "default" AV connectors. I thought that...
  19. Joe DiCristo

    Question Screen for Gamecube Portable

    Hi, So, I have been continuing on my journey to build my portable Gamecube and have been searching for screens to use in my portable. I want something that is pretty big (5-6 inches or so) and of course native 480p. I have been looking around and found this on ebay. Could I use this? Or is...
  20. Joe DiCristo

    Question Help Me Design a Case? (Gamecube Portable)

    You guys are ridiculously helpful thank you so much! Also one last thing, @jefflongo I got your file, but I had a hard time converting it and printing it. I tried and my printer only printed half of the file (weird). Is there any way you can convert that to an image file that I can just drag...