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  1. StormEye45

    wanting to learn on making a neat worklog

    sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but what's a good practice to brainstorm and have a neat worklog on a project? i have an idea on a project but i need some planning and prep, as this is my first time ever attempting to try something like this.
  2. StormEye45

    Guide Electronics 101 Videos

    brilliant video:
  3. StormEye45

    Cyxty Four N64 portable

    such a great project, wish you luck with v2
  4. StormEye45

    Worklog PS2 Portal

    try to see if you can be able to fix it
  5. StormEye45

    Model Lara Croft PS1 Memory card

    wow i've never heard about this mem card
  6. StormEye45

    Worklog Sega Dreamblade (DC Slim)

    amazing job, love the design of this dreamcast reshell
  7. StormEye45

    Worklog putting rechargable batteries in the Wavebird. (minimal case modding required)

    that person posted a link to buy the battery and it's a iPod 6th 7th Gen Classic
  8. StormEye45

    Worklog Pokedex DS

    thanks for sharing the process, i saw this on your Instagram and i really wanted to do something like this or just buy one from you.
  9. StormEye45

    Model Hoenn Region National Pokedex Gameboy

    Thanks for this, hopefully if i ever have the confidence i can do this one day
  10. StormEye45

    Model Resin Printable Xbox Duke Joysticks

    you are a legend, thanks :)
  11. StormEye45

    Starlight G-Wii (Now with HDMI out & USB GC controller passthrough!)

    wow such a cool looking build, and congrats on the portable
  12. StormEye45

    Ashida Wii Portable

    so how did the printing turn out?
  13. StormEye45

    Worklog PiR8_BTY's Ashida Worklog(s)

    Congrats on the build, i hope to do one of these portables one day, and when i get more knowledgeable about soldering and electronics.
  14. StormEye45

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    hi, just saw some portables and they look really awesome like the ashida build. hope to make one later on.