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  1. Bober

    Worklog Retro Lite CM5

    This is actually magic
  2. Bober

    Ghosts usb plug = no signal

    Do you have anything on the USB drive
  3. Bober

    [FS] Gameboy Macro with USB-C Charging Mod and Stereo Switch Speakers $100

    Though I'm not interested in buying I was wondering where you got the 3d printing files
  4. Bober

    RVLoader v2.1

    Ok thanks
  5. Bober

    RVLoader v2.1

    Quick question my friend was building a Wii portable but quit. He already trimmed the Wii and he says he patched out the wifi module with RVloader. Though he says he doesn't think it'll work since he lost the usb drive with RVloader. Is this true will the Wii unpatch itself without the original...
  6. Bober

    Worklog: Wii U Gamepad Original Screen Custom LCD Driver Board

    Honestly instead of getting the original screen I would just buy the one off of 4layertech and just 3d print an attachment to make it fit.
  7. Bober

    BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    What's good
  8. Bober

    Worklog Ashida, My first wii portable

    Where did you get the buttons. Are they 3d printed?
  9. Bober

    Worklog Portable 1: a SWiiTCH Wrendition

    Can't wait to see the progress