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  1. Stick drift issue i dont know how to fix

    i recently got this wiiboy and i encountered an issue where the left stick would drift to the bottom left, i do not know where to fix, and i can`t access any apps, although im able to acces visual controller test because it is set to the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Model Louii Twoii CAD Files

    resin UTR 8360
  3. Model Louii Twoii CAD Files

    i order the 3d model parts on pcbway, but they say a part is the left trigger is too thin to i tell them that its fine or do i have to install a 3d modeling sofware to changer it?
  4. Beginner Wii Portable

    what different size of wires do i need for the louii build by ginger of oz
  5. BitBuilt Welcome Thread!

    hello i am sam from canada, i like the wii very much and am very interested in making a build one day